We are committed to protecting and securing the privacy and safety of our customers. Your security online is extremely important to us. We have listed the privacy guidelines below in order to better serve you and let you know how we handle your personal data.

We collect data about your.

It is important that you be aware of the types of information we collect on our website. You can find out about your email address, name street, business name and postcode. We gather information in many ways. Cookies are first used to gather, consolidate and save non-personally identifiable data. Personal identifiable data refers to data that is unique to you. For example, your credit card number, or your bank account. These are data that are unique to you.

Information can be utilized in a variety of ways

The same information should not be repeated more than one time.

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Registration and Ordering

You\’ll have to enter your name in order to be able to ship and billing, a phone number, email address, and the number of your credit card. To ensure that you are in compliance with any applicable laws You may be asked to provide your country of residence. These types of information are taken to handle the billing process and fulfill your order. It could be used internally to advertise and notify customers about their site, purchase, or to reach them. If there is a problem with your order and we discover that information, the information we gather could be used to notify.

Email Addresses

You can enjoy amazing offers by signing up to our newsletter. We will send your details when you participate in any contest.

3. Privacy Protection

We do not rent, sell or share private information with regard to our business procedures. We use cutting-edge encryption technology. All employees must sign confidentiality agreements that prohibit the sharing of information with others.